Syrian RefugeesThe continued reports of crimes against humanity throughout the civil war in Syria are absolutely heartbreaking. Chemical weapons have captured the headlines lately, but there are tens of thousands of refugees fleeing the terror in their home country. We must get in involved in this crisis…but NOT via the US Military!

Nearly 2 million refugees have fled to Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Turkey…most of them are women and children. (more info here)

I don’t believe that cruise missiles are the answer. Caring for the hurting, the broken, the vulnerable and the displaced is where we will do the most good for humanity.

World Vision is on the ground bringing clean water, food, clothing and medicine to the refugees. We can help support this work.

CLICK HERE to partner in the efforts providing assistance to Syrian children & families.


andyallen —  August 13, 2013 — Leave a comment

It’s been exactly 1 year since my last blog post on this site.
I didn’t forget to post.
It was intentional.
I needed to take a step back.
It was time for me to rediscover & redefine my online voice.

This past year has been a unique one in my personal journey.
I toured & performed less this year than any in the past 15.
Pam & I started a new business [Coastal Music Studios].
I’ve wrestled deeply with my personal faith traditions & beliefs.
Another one of our kids moved out of our home to chase their dreams.
I’ve discovered incredibly meaningful community & friendships.
I am living more “true to myself” than I ever have.

So now I’ve decided that it’s time for me to re-engage here.
I’ll be blogging more frequently.
I’ll be working to get back to performing more consistently.
I’ll be continuing my work as an advocate for the widow & orphan.
I’ll be writing, recording and teaching music.
I’ll be focusing on these things because I need the creative outlet.
I’ll be engaging with these things because they have meaning.

For those of you who read and follow, thanks!
I’m grateful for the online community I have with friends here.
I’m thankful that there’s a forum where I can freely share my work & music.
I would love to hear from you and reconnect.

What’s been happening in your world this past year?
leave a comment below…

A unique part of my work over the last 15 years has been serving with churches and teams in transition.  This week I met with the lead team at New Venture Christian Fellowship and agreed to help out as their Transitional Worship Leader while they search for a new full-time worship pastor.

It could be for a few weeks or a few months, depending on their needs and when they identify the right candidate. I’ll still be on the road occasionally, but not as frequently as usual.

This week I co-led with the outgoing worship pastor, Ray Peters. It’s been fun getting to know the people on the team here and get a sense of their heart as worshipers.

Set List:

You Are Good | Israel & New Breed
God I Look To You | Bethel Live
Revelation Song | Gateway Worship
Forever Reign | One Sonic Society
Your Name | New Life Worship
I Am Free | Desperation Band 

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Coming to North San Diego on Saturday, October 13th 2012

I’m incredibly excited to introduce you to The Worship Conference SoCal. Following 3 successful years in Northern California, we are expanding the reach of this conference to serve the Southern California region.

This is kind of a new breed of conference as it’s geared to connect and serve people involved in worship regionally rather than nationally. There will be something for everyone on your team, including your Lead Pastor. It’s a 1 day conference with 3 key distinctives:

  1. Local Serving Local (regional instructors…people who understand ministry here…we’re all about building relationships)
  2. Non-Commercial (this is not a trade show)
  3. Affordable ($30/person…INCLUDING Lunch)

The win for this conference is going to be the new relationships you’ll build with other leaders, musicians and techy-types who are serving in ministry right here in SoCal with you. We’ll learn from each other and discover new friendships.

The info on our website is coming together as we’re busy confirming clinicians (all volunteers.)

Registration is now open…and space is limited…so register your team today!

I’m looking forward to seeing you there.

Andy Allen
Director | The Worship Conference SoCal

Questions?  Need more info?  Drop me an email:

This weekend it was fun to make some new friends close to home at New Venture Christian Fellowship in Oceanside, CA. The lead pastor here is Shawn Mitchell who also happens to be Chaplain for the San Diego Chargers. Pretty cool.

One thing I’ve noticed while being on the road serving many different churches is the uniqueness that exists in each congregation. The community of faith at New Venture is a beautiful combination of people who genuinely love each other while deeply connected to the fact that God has rescued them from much. They worship Jesus with the passion of people who have experienced God’s love in a powerful way.

Set List:

Today Is The Day | Lincoln Brewster
Our God | Chris Tomlin
Forever Reign | One Sonic Society
Jesus Paid It All | Kristian Stanfill
The Stand | Hillsong United
All Because Of Jesus | Fee 

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