Crosspoint Christian Church Worship ::: August 15th, 2010

andyallen —  August 15, 2010 — 2 Comments

I’m just going to say it once right here….it’s been flippin’ hot in Phoenix.  This is my second Summer here and I’ve kind of found my point of weariness with the sustained heat.  Of course I was brilliant enough to decide to move a couple weeks ago, so I don’t really earn any intelligence points there.  Anyhow, my initial thought and reason for mentioning the Summer and the heat is that people with real jobs take vacations to get away from it while I find work filling in for them.  Ultimately I’m not gonna complain though, I love that I get to do this kind of work, music and ministry, so I can handle a little heat.

This week I was at Crosspoint Christian Church in Glendale, AZ filling in for their worship leader while he took some vacation.  I worked with their worship band and vocalists.  The worship sets were very cool because the youth group worshipped with us in the front.  I enjoyed the diversity of people and the sense of community that exists at Crosspoint.  It’s a broad cross-section of people here with folks from most every social and cultural demographic.

I really appreciated Pastor Tom Kopp’s willingness to boldly address the topic of prejudice in his talk in their series called Heart Attack.  He was incredibly blunt and honest about the state of prejudice in our society and challenged everyone to honestly address the places in our hearts that need change.  A great message because love is what we’re really supposed to be showing to everyone around us.

Here was my set this week:

All Because Of Jesus (Steve Fee)
Mighty To Save (Hillsong)
Jesus Messiah (Chris Tomlin)
Stronger (Hillsong)
You Gave Your Life (Andy Allen)

Hope you’re finding a way to stay cool out there!


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2 responses to Crosspoint Christian Church Worship ::: August 15th, 2010

  1. Hi Teri –

    I still haven’t met Gabe. Keaton had contacted me to see if I was available so I was happy to help them out. Hope you’re well.


  2. Great Andy! Gabe was the guy that helped me with the Cavecreek Festival. Great guy! I’m glad you got to help him out.

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