Easter Worship ::: April 2-4/2010 Weekend Recap

Andy Allen —  April 4, 2010 — Leave a comment

Easter in the church world is a pretty big deal.  Lot’s to do and plan for because there are so many people who visit church on this weekend.  It’s kind of a cool opportunity to connect with the people who might only check out a church once or twice a year.  Ultimately it’s a big deal not just because people tend to show up, but because they might be more open to spiritual things and we can introduce them to Jesus.  That’s what motivates me!

We had a Good Friday service to set aside some time to remember and reflect on what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross.  Some worship, communion and an illustrated sermon by our ministry team…pretty sweet.

Good Friday set list:

Jesus Messiah (Chris Tomlin)
The Wonderful Cross (Matt Redman)
The Old Rugged Cross (Traditional Hymn)
Once Again
(Matt Redman)

Saturday was pretty crazy.  I sang in a wedding at the church right before the evening rehearsal and service.  We had to quickly turn the stage and reset to rehearse the band and have service.  Sunday we had a “Sunrise Service” in the courtyard outside which added to the work for our tech team.  It’s funny to me that we call it a sunrise service because the sun has actually been up for almost 2 hours….tradition (insert Fiddler On The Roof tune here.)  Our two main services were packed out and went great.  I love the energy that happens in services on Easter.

Here is the set from our main Easter services:

My Savior Lives (New Life Worship)
Savior (New Life Worship)
Nothing But The Blood (Traditional Hymn & Matt Redman’s Chorus)
Jesus Paid It All (Kristian Stanfill)
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today (Aaron Senseman)
The Saving One

I absolutely love this new song from Starfield, The Saving One:

“His Love Has Made A Way / The Grave Is Overcome / Jesus Is The Christ / The Saving One”

Happy Easter!

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