Dang man, that is beautiful insomuch as it is the truth.
I love paintings/pictures that say things like this. Dali is my favorite old school painter because he was so warped and said so so much in the midst of his brush strokes.
thank you for the contact update. I’d love to grab dinner w/ you and Pam sometime even if that means we come to you or you come to us. Miss you brother.
This picture hung in my grandparents little home for many decades. My grandfather was a man of very few words, and did not concern himself with what others were doing. My grandmother, a poet and lover of words, was inquisitive by nature and choice, opinionated by choice; but not a gossip, also by choice. In church, I have been served with the venum of gossip more often than I have been served communion. Being the recipients of endless grace, shame on us.
Dang man, that is beautiful insomuch as it is the truth.
I love paintings/pictures that say things like this. Dali is my favorite old school painter because he was so warped and said so so much in the midst of his brush strokes.
thank you for the contact update. I’d love to grab dinner w/ you and Pam sometime even if that means we come to you or you come to us. Miss you brother.
venom (oops)
This picture hung in my grandparents little home for many decades. My grandfather was a man of very few words, and did not concern himself with what others were doing. My grandmother, a poet and lover of words, was inquisitive by nature and choice, opinionated by choice; but not a gossip, also by choice. In church, I have been served with the venum of gossip more often than I have been served communion. Being the recipients of endless grace, shame on us.
Looking for this
I just ran across the one my grandma had. It brings back so many memories. I wonder how many are remaining out there.