Gungor | Ghosts Upon The Earth

andyallen —  September 20, 2011 — Leave a comment

I’ve had the incredible privilege of listening to this project for the past few weeks. Not often do I find a recording that moves me from beginning to end…but Gungor’s ‘Ghosts Upon The Earth’ has absolutely captured me.

There is an honesty and rawness to this recording in it’s entirety that I find nearly impossible to put into words. It is a conceptual work that takes you on a journey and through a spiritual experience as you give it the space to do so.

I still cannot get through the closing of the final song, ‘Every Breath’, without tearing up. There is an emotional connection to God and truth that completely affects me each time I’ve listened through this recording.

There is a lot more I could say about this project but it’s actually already been said better than I could offer in another blog post I read today. I’ll link to that here and you can read it if you’re so inclined:

Please do yourself a favor and get Ghosts Upon The Earth. Listen to it. It’s incredible!

Available on iTunes HERE.

You can learn more about Gungor on their website:

I would love to hear your thoughts after you’ve listened to ‘Ghosts’
Leave a comment below… 

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