July 25-26 Weekend Recap

Andy Allen —  July 26, 2009 — 2 Comments

Student MinistriesSaturday’s service was a blast!  Our Student Ministries took over the service with the High School worship band leading worship and Jared Riley, our High School Pastor, speaking.  Luis Acosta has been leading our High School worship for the past 6 months, and he has worked very hard to build a team of students who are solid musicians and becoming devoted worshippers.  It was so cool to see the fruit of his hard work as the team of students backed him.  They all led us into a sweet time of praising God and worshipping Jesus.

Sunday’s service was a bit rough.  We seemed to have every possible technical challenge hit us.  In-ears mixes seemed to be impossible to find, guitar electronics failed mid-set, media projection was hit and miss, riffs and parts just didn’t lock.  It seemed that from the beginning of rehearsal all the way through both services it was a struggle.  I’m glad days like this are few and far between, but wrestling through them is never fun.  I guess it felt like today it was difficult to get out of the way because we were tripped up by weird stuff distracting us as a team.  Fortunately, God is WAY BIGGER than a difficult day, and it was good to know He was in control of connecting with people’s hearts.

Here is the set from Saturday (Luis Acosta & our High School Worship Band):

No One Like You – E
Rain Down
– E
O Praise Him
– E
The Stand
– F#
– C
I Will Sing – E
(Luis Acosta original, recording not available yet)

Here is the set from Sunday:

Great Is Our God – A (Andy Allen original, recording not available yet)
Come Thou Fount, Come  Thou King – D
Amazed – D
Once Again
– G
Son of God
(special music by Jay Murphy)
Draw Me Close
– G

So….tell me some of your service/gig horror stories….


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2 responses to July 25-26 Weekend Recap

  1. I hope I didn’t use your artwork on my site… It is such a cool graphic. I did do a search and there are several out there. I used it on my post on how we developed a Youth Worship program at my church.


    Louis Acosta is a worship leader at your church??? How cool is that…

    Thanks for the site, I’ll bookmark and check often….

    Paul Dixon

  2. Barbara Brandt July 26, 2009 at 10:41 pm

    In the middle of the second song of an 1 1/2 hour long women’s worship night the video projection computer crashed… totally. We had planned to use this as an opportunity to introduce new songs but as I realized there weren’t going to be any projected lyrics that evening I started moving into more familiar songs and doing lots of verbal prompting. (Drawmeclosetoyou) Draw me close to you… (Neverletmego ( Never let me go… hehe) But God was totally in control of course. It turned out to be an incredibly intimate time for the ladies worshipping as they could close their eyes and concentrate on God, not the screen. Many of them later said it was the deepest corporate worship experience they’d had as far as communicating directly to God and being ministered to by Him in return. It taught me that, well, what do I really know about worship leading anyway? It was God’s night.

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