June 6-7 Weekend Recap

Andy Allen —  June 7, 2009 — 1 Comment

PrayerMany thanks to all the people praying for Pam and showing our family such kindness this week.  The surgery to reattach the tendon on her left thumb was successful, and she did not have to get a pin put into the bone…whew!  With the companionship of her friend Demerol, she is managing the pain as best she can.  We’re praying for a full recovery, and the doctor tells us he believes we will see just that.

Saturday night, Jeff Skeens (pastor of Living Water Fellowship, and former college pastor at our church) taught from 2nd Chronicles 20.  His message was titled “Prayer, Praise and Plunder.”  Check out the podcast which will be posted later this week.  One scripture that really stood out to me was Romans 8:6 talking about letting God’s spirit guide us, and how that leads us to life and peace.  There are so many voices in our world reminding us about hard times and depressing news, but keeping the spirit of God as our guide will lead us to life and peace, not death.  Good reminder in these challenging days.

Following the Saturday service, there was an hour of worship and communion in The Basement.  I didn’t have to lead, just ran the sound, and it was a nice time of just reflecting on what God has been busy doing in my life and ministry lately.  We’re having these worship nights on the first Saturday of each month for anyone that wants to come out.

Sunday there was just a peaceful ease about the morning.  The team did a great job of showing up rehearsed and ready to run through the set and tighten things up.  I’m enjoying the progress I’m seeing in our players and how we’re becoming more connected as a team.  Pastor Mark continued speaking out of 1st Peter….definitely check out the podcast….it’ll be posted later this week!

Here is the set from this weekend:

New Doxology – G
Mighty To Save – G-A
Savior – A
You Are Good – A
(Saturday, Amanda Gilbertson led this song in G)
Wonderful, Merciful Savior – G
(special music on Sunday led by Ivy Weesner)
I Surrender All – A

I love to read your comments and get your responses to my blog.  Drop me a line!


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One response to June 6-7 Weekend Recap

  1. Connie McHenry June 7, 2009 at 1:22 pm

    Andy, I just read your blog for the first time and I felt so blessed to read your words and get a bigger sense of you and your heart. Making the decision to work at Living Streams was so easy and each and every day I ever more aware of how happy I am to be part of this team and ministry. Each day and week will bring be further along on my faith journey – thanks for giving me this opportunity.


    ps…the service today was exceptional! Everyone is coming together under your leadership and it showed today with both the musicians and the technical folks.

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