Living Streams Worship ::: February 6-7/2010 Weekend Recap

Andy Allen —  February 7, 2010 — Leave a comment

Ahhh…the Super Bowl.  Rarely am I very interested in the game itself.  Our family is generally more excited to see all the commercials than the game.  Last year, because we had just moved to Phoenix, there was an excitement here because the Cardinals were in it.  This year it’s pretty much about the commercials again.  I’ll make my ridiculous Super Bowl dip and we’ll pile on the couch for a few hours.  Fun times.

I took last weekend away to see what was happening at a couple other churches in the valley.  It was a nice change of pace, and I appreciate Luis Acosta and Jay Murphy for leading in my stead.

This weekend we had two very solid teams and our services went great.  There was a great flow and ease to the worship sets.

Here is the set from the weekend:

New Doxology – G
Awesome Is The Lord Most High – G
Your Name – G
Savior – G
All Who Are Thirsty
– G

Have a great week!


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