Living Streams Worship ::: January 16-17/2010 Weekend Recap

Andy Allen —  January 17, 2010 — Leave a comment

I spent a lot of this week staying up on everything that has been happening in Haiti since the earthquake there.  It is amazing to watch people respond when we see our brothers and sisters underneath the weight of tragedy.  I’m struck by how quickly most people will rally together in the reality that we’re all connected in our human condition.  I’m also struck by the idiocy of some who would try to be a voice for Christianity and completely miss the chance to extend hope and mercy to people in their greatest hour of need.

I was watching CNN and saw a man who was trapped under the weight of a concrete building.  While his friends and neighbors worked desperately to free him as no rescue crews were there, a reporter asked him what was going through his mind.  The man said, “As I’m a Christian, I say ‘Jesus, my life….my life is in your hands.'”  I can’t imagine for a moment that the blanket condemnation and judgement issued every person in Haiti by Pat Robertson could have been more off the mark as this man, literally facing death, solemnly declares his faith and hope in Jesus.

I would be remiss not to direct you to a place where you can help.  I’ve worked with World Vision for over 10 years and know that they are one of the largest, if not the largest, groups on the ground in Haiti serving the disaster victims. World Vision has been working in Haiti for more than 30 years and has 800 staffers there….they are some of the first responders and you can help by donating and praying.  You can click on this link, or Text to 20222 and make a donation.

In our weekend services we also talked about the work going on in Haiti.  We prayed for the people there and had one of our Elders talk about the work Food For The Hungry is doing in Haiti.  It’s somewhat surreal to know there is so much suffering in our world while we continue to go about our usual routines.  Another reminder of how much we have and what we take for granted living here in the US.

Here is the set from this weekend:

Hosanna – G
Today Is The Day
– D
– A
I Surrender All – A
(Traditional Hymn)
How He Loves
– A (Saturday only)
In The Secret
– G (Sunday only)

Praying for Haiti –


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