The “Is that contestant on American Idol a Christian? Scorecard”

Andy Allen —  April 6, 2010 — 3 Comments

The “Is that contestant on American Idol a Christian? Scorecard”

#44. At any point during their “look at where they grew up bio,” the phrase “speaking in tongues” is mentioned =  + 10 points

To add up your score with over a 130 other ideas on this scorecard, visit

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3 responses to The “Is that contestant on American Idol a Christian? Scorecard”

  1. beckycastlemiller April 6, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    Oh, man, that’s one of the best. Awesome.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Tonja!

  3. Just visiting the other hosts of Jon’s blog tour. Wow – you got a 10-pointer! Good for you! Tonja (#122 on Jon’s list)

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