The Basement

Andy Allen —  February 13, 2009 — Leave a comment

I’ve been at Living Streams for a little over two months now, serving as the Worship Arts Director.  One part of the vision I’ve had in taking this position is to see a creative community of artists come together.  I want to be a part of a community of creatives who are wanting to use their talents to reflect the glory of God through our art and expression.  Moving into a new city and state, this was seemingly a goal that would, at the very least, take many months to connect to.  God’s timing is different!

Our church has been in this facility for the past two years.  There is a large area beneath the sanctuary, and it has been serving as the church storage area since they moved in.  The staff affectionately referred to it as the dungeon.  When they told me that this area was mine to use and develop, I began to see a ton of potential.  I began to see a venue that we could open up to musicians, artists, photographers, videographers and other performing artists as a place to use their art.

Tonight, with the help of quite a few people, we had our first event in The Basement.  Magnum Opus – Creation Night is a monthly event that is all about creating art through music, pen, lens, brush, clay, whatever.  Starting this coming week, we’re going to have weekly Open Mic Night on Thursday’s.  The Basement is now a venue where creativity and artistic expression come to life.  It’s a work in progress, like most of us really, and it’s going to be a safe place for people to come and hear the whisper of God.

I’m praying for God to do some incredible things in this place we’re redeeming, and calling The Basement.  I’m praying for God to pour out grace on us to reach into the lives of people who don’t always fit and gel in the corporate 9-5 world.  I’m praying for God to amaze us with His creativity and purpose.


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