UNTITLED | Thoughts On The Creative Process

andyallen —  August 5, 2011 — Leave a comment

UNTITLED | Thoughts on the Creative Process by Blaine Hogan

As creatives, we’d like to think all of our art comes through inspiration. Sometimes that’s true…but I believe most of the time it’s just freakin’ hard work.

I really appreciated the way that Blaine Hogan looks at the creative process in UNTITLED. He pulls no punches and leans into the fact that we have to be real about the challenges and intense work that it takes to create and experience good art.

From clearing up the fact that it’s more than just creating cool ideas (execution of the dream creates the art)…to correcting the assumption that eccentricity breeds creativity (eccentric quite literally means “off center”)…Hogan is consistent in his message that we need to be observant, organized, determined, hard-working, self-evaluating, brave, vulnerable, and honest in our efforts to create.

This eBook is a quick read and well worth the time you’ll put into reading it. It’s the kind of book that would be great for creative teams to read and discuss together.

Get this eBook on Amazon.com HERE

Publisher’s Info:

The blank page.

It has so much power.

Some days it’s terrifying, sometimes thrilling, but mostly it’s just plain old scary.

It is the reason many people never finish that novel, or complete that project, or follow through with that one thing they used to dream about.

Sadly, it is the reason many people never even begin.

Blaine Hogan’s manifesto, UNTITLED: Thoughts on the Creative Process is here to change all that.

As an artist who has designed t-shirts, made light fixtures, created performance art in alleyways, performed on big and small stages all across the country, acted on network television, and is now a creative director at one of the largest churches in North America, Blaine walks you through the creative process of attacking the blank page, executing vision, finding the importance of contemplation, fighting the battle with resistance, and learning from your failures.

Blank pages be gone!

*I was given this ebook to review by clark.is. The opinions in this review are mine alone and are not the opinions of the publisher.

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