A Christmas Card From Thailand

andyallen —  November 30, 2011 — Leave a comment

The season’s first Christmas card arrived in our mailbox.
It was from our sponsored Daughter in Thailand.
Her name is Pornjaratsri and she is 17 years old.
She wrote a sweet note in her best English…

Dear Sponsor,
Wishing you peace, love and fun in Christmas and New Year.

So…definitely a good reminder that I have just enough time to send Christmas cards and letters to all our sponsored children. You can too.

If you sponsor a child with World Vision you can send a card or small 6×9 envelope with gifts via air mail to your child. You can also send an email now to your sponsored child in most countries.

When you write, it tells them they are loved and valued.
They don’t always feel that way.
Christmas is a great time to give a little hope.
A quick card or letter really does make a huge impact.

Check out the picture to the right and see the journey your letter takes…

To send an email to your sponsored child, you can CLICK HERE.
If you’re not sure what address to mail a card to, call World Vision at (888) 511-6548 and they’ll help you out.
Don’t sponsor a child yet? You can start today by visiting www.worldvision.org.

[HOPE FOR THE HOLIDAYS | I believe that goodwill and love actually trump consumerism and materialism in the hearts of most people this time of year. Several years ago, my family and I began a tradition in our home of giving away the money that we used to spend every Christmas on gifts. We began investing in gifts that bring hope to the widow and the orphan instead of gifts that would sit on a shelf or hang in a closet. The results have been huge…both for us and the beautiful people who live in places of great need. Our hearts have been moved to give more than gifts…but to give hope for the holidays.]

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