Baby Monkey ::: Parry Gripp

andyallen —  April 5, 2011 — Leave a comment

This week’s song is not making a deep theological statement…at least not one I could identify after my initial 25 listens.

I first heard Baby Monkey (Going Backwards On A Pig) when it was a free download on iTunes last year.  I LOVED it immediately…yes, I’m strange like that.  As soon as I played it for my kids it was quickly set to auto-repeat and we drove around town singing it at the top of our lungs.  Team Allen in all our glory.

I believe there’s a strange genius to this song as well.  Parry Gripp didn’t stop at singing about a baby monkey, or even a baby monkey riding a pig.  No, this baby monkey is riding backwards on a pig.

If you listen closely you’ll even find an encouraging message in the verse.  We all need a loving reminder to keep trying even when life is hard, and to do that while riding a pig…well that’s just freakin’ awesome!

You’ve got to keep on keepin’ on
Get on that pig and hold on tight

Get it on iTunes HERE.

I recently found a YouTube vid with the song and some exciting baby-monkey-going-backwards-on-a-pig action. You.Are.Welcome.

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