Happy Father’s Day To Me [twenty-twelve]

andyallen —  June 14, 2012 — Leave a comment

I love being a Dad!

Every year I play hooky with each of my kids. It’s kind of like our own version Ferris Beuller’s Day Off….we just call it Father-Son Day and Father-Daughter Day.

The kids never know exactly what day it will be or what we’re going to do together. They talk about it all year long. I find the anticipation entertaining as we approach the end of each school year. There is constant speculation about when it will be and what I have planned.

Since Father’s Day is this weekend I thought it would be fun to share a couple pics from my 2012 Father-Son/Daughter Day adventures.

Father-Son Day | w/ Kieran
Father-Daughter Day | w/ Maggie
Father-Daughter Day | w/ Brenna

So, do you have any fun traditions with your Dad or as a Dad?
Leave a comment below… 

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