Syria | How We Should Be Responding

andyallen —  August 30, 2013 — Leave a comment

Syrian RefugeesThe continued reports of crimes against humanity throughout the civil war in Syria are absolutely heartbreaking. Chemical weapons have captured the headlines lately, but there are tens of thousands of refugees fleeing the terror in their home country. We must get in involved in this crisis…but NOT via the US Military!

Nearly 2 million refugees have fled to Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Turkey…most of them are women and children. (more info here)

I don’t believe that cruise missiles are the answer. Caring for the hurting, the broken, the vulnerable and the displaced is where we will do the most good for humanity.

World Vision is on the ground bringing clean water, food, clothing and medicine to the refugees. We can help support this work.

CLICK HERE to partner in the efforts providing assistance to Syrian children & families.

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