7 Practices of Effective Ministry

Andy Allen —  September 21, 2009 — Leave a comment

7 Practices - CoverThis is the first book I’ve read by Andy Stanley.  I’ve heard from several friends that I should check out some of his books, and I’m glad I finally got around to it.  This book lays out some great, practical and implementable guidelines to approach and measure effectiveness in your approach to ministry.  I thought their approach to looking at these as steps and practices rather than just implementing a new program was well thought out.  Here is a quick listing of the 7 practices:

  1. Clarify the Win
  2. Think Steps, Not Programs
  3. Narrow the Focus
  4. Teach Less for More
  5. Listen to Outsiders
  6. Replace Yourself
  7. Work On It

The book opens up with a fictional story that outlines these practices in a practical real-world scenario.  Following the story, the authors explore each practice in depth.  The application to church ministry is very clear and well defined.  I enjoyed the many examples they used from their own church and ministry experience.

I really felt this was a helpful book as I’m part of a leadership team that is trying to cast vision and move our church into the future.  I’m hopeful that our entire team will go through this book together and explore the concepts in more depth and consider the application for our ministry here.

These practices also have a place in the marketplace and business world.  In full-time ministry, or in a business that you’re wanting to see move forward with purpose and vision, this book is a worthwhile read.

Publisher’s Info:

There’s no scoreboard in the sanctuary, and the only plate is probably for the offering. But every church leader needs to know how to win, and every congregation needs to know when to cheer. This insightful book speaks to every church leader who yearns for a simpler, more effective approach to ministry. An engaging parable about one overwhelmed pastor is followed by an overview of seven successful team practices, each one developed and applied in a ministry setting. Reinforced by relevant discussion questions, these clear, easy, and strategic practices can turn any ministry into a winning team.

Your ministry is perfectly designed to produce the results you are currently experiencing. If you are satisfied with those results, you don’t need this book. If not, it’s time for a change.

Like your own personal trainer, 7 Practices of Effective Ministry is an insightful guide for any leader who yearns for a simpler, more effective approach to ministry. Here are seven strategic principles that when put into play will bring focus and clarity to everything you do and turn your ministry into a winning team.

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