April 18-19 Weekend Recap

Andy Allen —  April 20, 2009 — Leave a comment

Panic ButtonMaybe it was because this was the week following our big Easter push…but it seemed like many things were just out-of-sync for our teams this weekend.  I’m hoping this went mostly undetected by those attending, but from my behind-the-scenes perspective, there were some definite challenges.

We worked hard to resolve the video and projection issues mid-stream and in-between services, so our final service flowed better.  I even felt like my head was in a fog at moments, and started one song out with the lyrics of a song we weren’t even doing this weekend….strange.  Thanks to the diligence of our tech and music teams, we wrestled through these obstacles, and encountered some very cool moments in worship.  As we came in and out of our times of communion, there was a sense of the tangible presence of God…which is the point to begin with!   Here is our set from the weekend:

All Because Of Jesus – A
Your Grace Is Enough – A
Rescue – C
How He Loves – A
Lead Me To The Cross – Bm  (special music: Ivy Weesner)
Be Thou My Vision – E   (with new chorus: Andy Allen original, recording not available yet)


So, THANK YOU very much to the many people I serve with each week as we worship with our church family here at Living Streams.  I appreciate all of you!

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