August 8-9 Weekend Recap

Andy Allen —  August 9, 2009 — 1 Comment

iphone_3gThis week I finally picked up an iPhone.  I’ve been waiting close to 2 years for my Verizon contract to expire so I could get one.  So, I’m retiring my Blackberry and finally enjoying all the iPhone has to offer.  Yeah, I’m a geek and find pleasure in stupid things like this.

Saturday night I had Jay Murphy lead worship.  Jay had been approached by some former Phoenix Christian High School students about putting a ‘reunion choir’ together, and we figured a Saturday night would be a great setting.  I got to play synth, which was a blast because I usually play guitar in worship these days…so that was definitely a treat.  The band was great, and it was fun to have a well rehearsed choir there.  David Stockton just returned from a trip to Belize and spoke on faith, and how God wants us to step out in faith and trust that He’ll work in our lives.  There were also baptisms following the service.  So cool to see God working in people’s lives.

Here is the Set List from Saturday:

Friend of God – D
Your Grace Is Enough
– G
Mighty To Save
– A
Revelation Song
– E
Jesus Paid It All
– Bb

Pastor Mark returned this week from a month on vacation, so we begin to move back more toward a normal routine as we head into the Fall.  School begins for most students in the next two weeks, and we continue working to reach out into our community.

Here is the Set List from Sunday:

Awesome Is The Lord Most High – G
My Savior Lives – G
Hosanna – G
The Stand – A
You Are My King (Amazing Love) – D

Enjoy your week!


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One response to August 8-9 Weekend Recap

  1. A great weekend of celebration in our worship times! We have so much to be thankful for because of Jesus! Living joyfully seems to be a choice, a perspective based on truth. Thanks for reminder to swim in that!

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