Chapters Video

Andy Allen —  April 18, 2010 — Leave a comment

This weekend we said our goodbye’s at Living Streams church.  I wanted to put something together that really shared my heart as I leave my position there.  We showed a video I shot this week with the help of Lanny Ward (thanks Lanny!)  Click the image to the right to link to the video on YouTube.

Yeah, I know it’s mostly the text from my last blog, but Pam and I really felt that did a good job of sharing where we’re at.  The video allowed me to put some feeling behind the words and show some fun pics of our family.  I also wanted to post a link here for anyone that wanted to check it out.

Thank you to everyone who has said you’re praying for us.  We appreciate you all so much and are really excited about the story God is busy writing in our lives.


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