Archives For Andy Allen Ministries


andyallen —  August 13, 2013 — Leave a comment

It’s been exactly 1 year since my last blog post on this site.
I didn’t forget to post.
It was intentional.
I needed to take a step back.
It was time for me to rediscover & redefine my online voice.

This past year has been a unique one in my personal journey.
I toured & performed less this year than any in the past 15.
Pam & I started a new business [Coastal Music Studios].
I’ve wrestled deeply with my personal faith traditions & beliefs.
Another one of our kids moved out of our home to chase their dreams.
I’ve discovered incredibly meaningful community & friendships.
I am living more “true to myself” than I ever have.

So now I’ve decided that it’s time for me to re-engage here.
I’ll be blogging more frequently.
I’ll be working to get back to performing more consistently.
I’ll be continuing my work as an advocate for the widow & orphan.
I’ll be writing, recording and teaching music.
I’ll be focusing on these things because I need the creative outlet.
I’ll be engaging with these things because they have meaning.

For those of you who read and follow, thanks!
I’m grateful for the online community I have with friends here.
I’m thankful that there’s a forum where I can freely share my work & music.
I would love to hear from you and reconnect.

What’s been happening in your world this past year?
leave a comment below…

Coming to North San Diego on Saturday, October 13th 2012

I’m incredibly excited to introduce you to The Worship Conference SoCal. Following 3 successful years in Northern California, we are expanding the reach of this conference to serve the Southern California region.

This is kind of a new breed of conference as it’s geared to connect and serve people involved in worship regionally rather than nationally. There will be something for everyone on your team, including your Lead Pastor. It’s a 1 day conference with 3 key distinctives:

  1. Local Serving Local (regional instructors…people who understand ministry here…we’re all about building relationships)
  2. Non-Commercial (this is not a trade show)
  3. Affordable ($30/person…INCLUDING Lunch)

The win for this conference is going to be the new relationships you’ll build with other leaders, musicians and techy-types who are serving in ministry right here in SoCal with you. We’ll learn from each other and discover new friendships.

The info on our website is coming together as we’re busy confirming clinicians (all volunteers.)

Registration is now open…and space is limited…so register your team today!

I’m looking forward to seeing you there.

Andy Allen
Director | The Worship Conference SoCal

Questions?  Need more info?  Drop me an email:

Well…Here We Go!!!

andyallen —  January 31, 2012 — 8 Comments

The last two years have been a crazy run for our family and ministry. We’ve actively looked and waited for God’s direction. It’s been a journey of patience and faith that lead us to our “what’s next.”

The long story short is that we’re now living in North San Diego County and doing something that I swore I would NEVER, EVER do…we are helping to start a brand new church!

After 14 years out on the open road, we have found welcome roots here in San Diego. We still travel once a month in the ministry that has brought us this far (leading worship and touring as a World Vision Artist), but much more of our focus will be on loving our local community and serving along side the team at The Station Church.

We begin our weekly services on Sunday 2/12/12 and have our Grand Opening Launch on Sunday, February 19th. If you’re in the San Diego area we would love to have you come as our guest!

Continue Reading…

Chapters Video

Andy Allen —  April 18, 2010 — Leave a comment

This weekend we said our goodbye’s at Living Streams church.  I wanted to put something together that really shared my heart as I leave my position there.  We showed a video I shot this week with the help of Lanny Ward (thanks Lanny!)  Click the image to the right to link to the video on YouTube.

Yeah, I know it’s mostly the text from my last blog, but Pam and I really felt that did a good job of sharing where we’re at.  The video allowed me to put some feeling behind the words and show some fun pics of our family.  I also wanted to post a link here for anyone that wanted to check it out.

Thank you to everyone who has said you’re praying for us.  We appreciate you all so much and are really excited about the story God is busy writing in our lives.


6 Months & Counting

Andy Allen —  June 1, 2009 — 1 Comment

SixJune 1st marked 6 months that I’ve been at Living Streams as the Worship Arts Director.  Coming off the road as a full-time touring Worship Artist, this has been a great shift for our family and ministry.  My family is finding our Arizona groove, and we’re acclimating to the new city and church family.  There is no doubt that God called us here, and we’re so excited to be right where He wants us.

Over the past few weeks, I have had the privilege of bringing on an Administrative Assistant (Connie McHenry) and new Technical Director (Eric Hagen).  Both Connie and Eric are part-time, and I’m so glad they’re here!  Connie will be helping provide more consistency to our Worship Arts organizational systems, and Eric will oversee the direction of our Technical Arts Ministry.

I’m very encouraged with the progress that I’ve seen in our church and worship ministry, and I see so much potential as we move forward.  I also want to thank the people in our church for welcoming my family and loving us.  Pam and I are so grateful to see our kids connecting to God and new friendships, and for the new relationships we’re building as well.

Looking to the future, I am excited to see what God will be doing in this ministry and in the hearts and lives of people in our community.  I am praying for His spirit to move at Living Streams, and throughout Phoenix.  I am praying that we will experience joy in our praise, and a deep connection to God in our worship.  We will be working hard to serve people, and relying on God to lead us.

Thanks for reading and let me know if there is any way I can be praying for you.
