Journey To Jamaa

andyallen —  June 1, 2011 — Leave a comment

One thing I love about working with World Vision is that they are always looking for innovative ways to raise awareness for the causes they’ve committed to.  This year World Vision is rolling out a new film entitled Journey To Jamaa.  I am currently one of only 4 artists helping bring this award winning film to communities in the U.S. and I couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity.

Journey To Jamaa is the true-life story of two orphans from Uganda who loose both of their parents to HIV/AIDS.  It chronicles their harrowing trek across Uganda to find family that they can live with.  Ultimately it ‘s a narrative parable of hope and represents the journey of countless children like them.

The film itself is a powerful presentation of the world so many African children face today.  Having seen situations like this first hand on my trips to Africa, I believe Journey To Jamaa is a great way for us to individually connect to the realities that 14 million orphans are experiencing daily.

I would love to bring Journey To Jamaa to your church and/or community…..FREE!

Here are a few ways we can bring Jamaa to your church and community:

  • A Special Event Featuring Journey To Jamaa
  • A Film-Based Interactive Weekend Worship Service at your church
  • A Small Group Screening in a home
  • A Youth Group, Men’s & Women’s Group, or Missions Ministry Event

We aren’t just limited to these options.  I am completely open to creative ideas in bringing Journey To Jamaa to your church or community group.  This experience is an incredible opportunity for us to partner together and present a compelling message about God’s heart for the world’s poor.

Please contact me if you have any questions or might be interested in learning more about how we can work together and bring Jamaa to your city.  You can send me an email by clicking HERE, or fill out a Booking Request Form.

Like I said before, I believe in this so much that I am willing to waive my standard fee and come for FREE!

Give me a shout today and let’s find a way to show Journey To Jamaa together.

Here is the trailer for the film:

You can also see more about the film on World Vision’s website:

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