Two Thousand Five Hundred

andyallen —  February 23, 2011 — Leave a comment

This January I was in San Antonio, TX for a conference with World Vision Artist Associates.  As I mentioned in another post, I really value this conference.  It is an encouragement to my soul and a reminder that we serve the widow and the orphan through this work and partnership.

During the conference, they took some time to recognize artists for their involvement with World Vision and to celebrate some milestone achievements.  It was an honor to be recognized this year:

We’ve worked with World Vision for 13 years and there have been over 2,500 children sponsored through our ministry!

Jenny Lockwald, Andy Allen & Jean Flewelling

In no way do I post this here to boast.  I am immeasurably humbled to have played a small part in a much larger movement where loving and generous people have joined in to serve the poor and those without a voice.  To everyone who has sponsored a child, given sacrificially and prayed for these kids…I wanted to say THANK YOU!!! You are making a HUGE difference in our world.

The difference is actually much bigger than you might think.  We know that for every sponsored child, 7 to 10 people are impacted and receive some benefit.  This means that 20-25,000 lives have been touched through your generosity.  Amazing!

I’m a musician, a singer, a worship leader, a songwriter…it’s unbelievable to me that anything I could do would have a lasting impact on the lives of 25,000 people, but with your help it has happened.

Maybe you would like to join in and sponsor a child…
There’s no better time than now…CLICK HERE

Do you sponsor a child?  Share your story here…leave a comment below.

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