6 Months & Counting

Andy Allen —  June 1, 2009 — 1 Comment

SixJune 1st marked 6 months that I’ve been at Living Streams as the Worship Arts Director.  Coming off the road as a full-time touring Worship Artist, this has been a great shift for our family and ministry.  My family is finding our Arizona groove, and we’re acclimating to the new city and church family.  There is no doubt that God called us here, and we’re so excited to be right where He wants us.

Over the past few weeks, I have had the privilege of bringing on an Administrative Assistant (Connie McHenry) and new Technical Director (Eric Hagen).  Both Connie and Eric are part-time, and I’m so glad they’re here!  Connie will be helping provide more consistency to our Worship Arts organizational systems, and Eric will oversee the direction of our Technical Arts Ministry.

I’m very encouraged with the progress that I’ve seen in our church and worship ministry, and I see so much potential as we move forward.  I also want to thank the people in our church for welcoming my family and loving us.  Pam and I are so grateful to see our kids connecting to God and new friendships, and for the new relationships we’re building as well.

Looking to the future, I am excited to see what God will be doing in this ministry and in the hearts and lives of people in our community.  I am praying for His spirit to move at Living Streams, and throughout Phoenix.  I am praying that we will experience joy in our praise, and a deep connection to God in our worship.  We will be working hard to serve people, and relying on God to lead us.

Thanks for reading and let me know if there is any way I can be praying for you.


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One response to 6 Months & Counting

  1. Andy,

    Congrats on your new position. Having a place to call home is a blessing. I am happy for you and your family.

    Are you writing any music? Since we met during the Tampa conference I have completed several songs. I do now have a CD at http://www.createspace.com/1729320 or http://www.myspace.com/stepoutagain. My current goal is to record a song with Randy Stonehill and Michael Pachelli. They have been pushing me for awhile but the money just hasn’t been available. You might also check out http://www.inyourheartministries.com to review another song.

    I would welcome your comments and/or advice.

    In Him,

    Ryan Hughes
    Tampa, FL

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